Past owners include Annie Sheehan (original owner) and Rachel Sheehan Ernhardt. Annie Sheehan had the home built in approximately 1927. For reasons unknown, she never lived in the home once the builder, John Fromm, completed the residence. Her daughter, Rachel Sheehan Earnhardt inherited the home. Mrs. Earnhardt used the home as rental property. A.H. “Cap” Stubbs and his wife Opal were early renters of the home when they first came to Waynesville since the residence that was to become the funeral home on Main Street was not ready for their occupancy. The Stubbs family eventually moved to the property at 185 N. Main Street which today is still the Funeral Home (see #10). The current owners at 340 North Street, Raymond and Barbara Sharp, moved in as renters in 1966, but later purchased the home from Mrs. Earnhardt.